Chef de service :
Prof. Alain Didier
Principaux axes de recherche clinique :
Lung cancer - screening, early diagnosis, multimodal treatments, immunotherapy, targeted therapy phase 2 and 3; Mesothelioma - reference center, clinical trials; Thymoma - reference center, clinical trials
Axe de recherche translationnelle ou fondamentale :
Resistance mechanisms in targeted therapy, biomarkers in immunotherapy, liquid biopsies
Équipe affiliée :
CRCT INSERM UMR1037 Team G. Favre (targeted therapy), Team M. Ayyoub (immunomonitoring) Team S. Valitutti (immunological synapse)
CRB affilié :
CRB IUCT oncopole (Dr A. Gomez-Brouchet)
Type d échantillons Biologiques ou cohorte disponible :
Organoides and PDX for oncogenic addiction, tumour tissues (frozen and fixed), serotheque (IMMUNOPREDICT cohort)
Technologies innovantes disponibles :
Single cell RNA sequencing, PDX